IPSC 3 Gun
3 Gun shooting has its roots in New Zealand from the early 80's.
Two servicemen, who came back from Singapore in 1983, introduced the idea, after seeing something of a similar format during their posting there. They and a few other keen shooters started PSI (Practical Shooting Institute) NZ. They shot Service Match on pistol ranges and then moved to a rifle range, on private property, to shoot practical rifle and shotgun. A few years of internal lobbying saw PSI taken over by Pistol NZ, and some hard campaigning saw, what we now know as IPSC, finally approved by the police, and Pistol NZ.
Most 3 Gun matches were run in the lower South Island, where there still are a hard core number of competitors. 3 Gun in New Zealand has consistently grown and now boasts South Island Champs, North Island Champs, and New Zealand Champs most years, with some very keen competitors spending big money on guns and equipment. There are also several regions throughout the country, now running their own club matches.
The 3 Gun nationals have been held most years since 1996.